The Many Faces Of (TMFO) combines our love for exploring new web technologies with our love for the silver screen. Each post is a deep dive into an actor, series, or genre.

The formula is simple enough: choose a topic, watch everything you possibly can, then create an infographic style post honoring it.

We originally launched the site in 2010 at a time when new CSS properties and webfonts suddenly made the browser a much more interesting place. We used TMFO as an experimental playground where we could hone our skills at design and front-end code.
It’s been a thrill to see others appreciate our work. Art director & web designer Andrew Clarke included the site in his book, Hardboiled Web Design (p. 196) as a case study on webfont usage.

Posts often come with bonus features: A mixtape for John Cusack’s post, a mad libs game for Leonardo DiCaprio’s, and a Chutes & Ladders style iPad board game for The Goonies.

We recently revived TMFO with posts for Sigourney Weaver and Burt Reynolds (coming soon)—who have each been on our to-do list for quite a while.
True to form, we’re using the site to explore new techniques. New posts are fully responsive, with an added emphasis on performance. The pages may have a lot of image assets, but we’re putting a lot of care into what loads when so pages feel lightning fast.

Take some time to browse the full archives. More to come!