We believe prototyping is the best way to work collaboratively. At Paravel, it’s just as much a philosophy as it is a deliverable.
“We need a way to guide clients through our offerings during real-time consultations.”

A fully responsive web app catalog. Whether meetings were remote with screen sharing, in offices with tablets, or in conference rooms on large screens, the client catalog was readily available.
“We’d like to explore a no-UI chat application that collects resources and links for our teams.”

A chatbot with a custom web view. We built a chatbot for Slack, SMS, email, etc. for team members and customers to quickly save and reference online resources.
“We’d like to expand our core business offering with an entirely new product vertical.”

A shopping and deal-hunting prototype. Starting with the idea of creating a visual index of products, we worked with a client to not only design the product & experience but also to develop a strategy around how it would be maintained and executed.
“We’d like to develop our own product to find and curate nearby travel spots with a group of friends.”

A progressive web app called DayTrip. Before we developed the brand and sussed out the details, we started with a prototype that was made offline ready so you can take it with you wherever you go.
From Prototype to Implementation
Whether we’re integrating into a design system or shipping a standalone product, we can help you on your way.

A/B & User Testing
Test your ideas and refine the prototype until it’s ready to be shared with the rest of the world.

Optimize & Integrate
We’ll fine-tune performance and make sure shipping is quick and easy.
We can help!
Prototypes are an invaluable tool to quickly create, test, and deploy anything from a new feature to a completely new product.
Get in Touch